February 2025 - Studio Update

In rethinking this blog, I’ve decided to share monthly updates about what’s going on in the studio. Most projects take several months to complete, so over the posts you can see how a piece is progressing. I’ll also be sharing posts that show a piece from start to finish - the big, exciting projects, mostly.

There seem to be a lot of projects on the table at the moment… I’ll break it down by category defined by the medium being used and stage of the project:

I’m layering oils on these horse models and medallions at the moment

This section of the desk shows the models I’m currently layering oil paints on. This process takes some time - with drying between layers taking 2+ days. That little dappled gray is going to take so long… But I’m learning a ton as progresses.

My NaMoPaiMo pony for 2025

My NaMoPaiMo pony (who WILL get done in February) is included here, too, in addition to a portrait commission (the Traditional Breyer warmblood) and some medallions that have been sitting (but I can’t move them or I’ll forget to work on them, lol)

Over to the left of the pieces in progress with oils are a ton of micros I’m working on in pastels and acrylics. Why yes, I do seem to have revived some older projects because the table needed more ponies, right?! You’ll also notice a POA custom mini in the area too. He should be finishing up this month, as he’s a commission.

Micros and a mini in progress with pastels and acrylics.

Fantasy Custom Peter Stone model in progress

I also though you all might get a kick out of seeing my Peter Stone Art of the Horse Custom Arabian coming along. I’m turning him into a very cool fantasy creature, and we are in the grind stages of resculpting - and sculpting - him into it from a base horse model… it’ll be a journey! Luckily, I have until July!

I’ve also got some cute pegasus customs waiting for more prep-work. These will likely not be finished until the summer, but I think they’re too cute not to share!

You’ll notice this in an older picture based on the models in the background… there’s no room on the desk right now lol

And finally, I have the super sweet pet portrait painting going in oils. This order is turning on so soulful and cute, I’m super happy with it. Definitely still a work in progress (the colors aren’t quite right yet)

And that’s it. But oh my gosh, that’s a lot. Most of these won’t be done for a minute (minus the commissions) because I like to move around projects so much.